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编辑:数学与统计学院   发表日期:2021年03月24日 有位读者读过此文

序号 论文(专著)名称 作 者 发表刊物(出版社) 发表(出版)时间 论文收录
1 On certain quasiconformal and elliptic mappings 陈少林等 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 2020 SCI
2 Characterizations of Lipschitz-type, Bloch-type and Dirichlet-type spaces 陈少林等 Monatshefte für Mathematik 2020 SCI
3 On asymptotically sharp bi-Lipschitz inequalities of quasiconformal mappings satisfying inhomogeneous polyharmonic equations 陈少林等 Journal of Geometric Analysis 2020 SCI
4 On the convergence of series for rowwise sums of negatively superadditive dependent random variables 黄海午等 Bulletin of the Korean Mathematical Society 2020 SCI
5 Convergence of the tail probability for weighted sums of negatively orthant dependent random variables 黄海午等 Kybernetika 2020 SCI
6 On complete moment convergence for weighted sums of negatively superadditive dependent random variables 黄海午等 Applications of Mathematics 2020 SCI
7 An online gradient-based parameter identification algorithm for the neuro-fuzzy systems 李龙等 Fuzzy Sets and Systems 2020 SCI
8 Circle embeddings with restrictions on Fourier coefficients 李浏兰等 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 2020 SCI
9 A robust and contact preserving flux splitting scheme for compressible flows 胡立军等 Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 2020 SCI
10 Development of accurate and robust genuinely two-dimensional HLL-type Riemann solver for compressible flows 胡立军等 Computers and Fluids 2020 SCI
11 Finite pairs of prescribed cycles of König’s and Steffensen’s methods for entire functions 刘刚 Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics
2020 SCI
12 Blow-up and Lifespan of Solutions for a Nonlinear Viscoelastic Kirchhoff Equation 阳志锋 Results in Mathematics 2020 SCI
13 New results for oscillation of fractional partial differential equations with damping term 罗李平等 Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems Series S 2020 SCI
14 Strong laws for weighted sums of random variables satisfying generalized Rosenthal type inequalities 易艳春等 Journal of Inequalities and Applications 2020 SCI
15 Emergence of scaling in evolving hypernetworks 周志东等 Physica A 2020 SCI
16 一种改进的HLLEM格式及其激波稳定性分析 胡立军等 Acta Physica Sinica 2020 SCI
17 Invariants, bitangents, and matrix representations of plane quartics with 3-cyclic automorphisms 梁钝 New York Journal of Mathematics 2020 SCI
18 On the convergence for PNQD sequences with general moment conditions 肖娟等 Applied Mathematics-A Journal of Chinese Universities Series B 2020 SCI
19 Lengths, Area and Modulus of Continuity of
Some Classes of Complex-Valued Functions
陈少林 Results in Mathematics 2019 SCI
20 Schwarz type Lemmas and a Landau type theorem of functions satisfying the biharmonic equation 陈少林 Bulletin des Sciences Mathématiques 2019 SCI
21 Characterizations of hardy-type, bergman-type and dirichlet-type spaces on certain classes of complex-valued functions
陈少林 Annales Academiæ Scientiarum Fennicæ Mathematica 2019 SCI
22 The Schwarz Type Lemmas and the Landau Type Theorem of Mappings Satisfying Poisson’s Equations 陈少林 Complex Analysis and Operator Theory 2019 SCI
23 Schwarz Lemmas for mappings satisfying Poisson’s equation 陈少林 Indagationes Mathematicae 2019 SCI
24 Note of the convolution harmonic mappings 李浏兰 Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society 2019 SCI
25 A Smoothing Algorithm with Constant Learning Rate for Training Two Kinds of Fuzzy Neural Networks and Its Convergence 李龙 Neural Processing Letters 2019 SCI
26 Harmonic pre-Schwarzian derivative and its applications 刘刚 Bulletin des Sciences Mathématiques 2019 SCI
27 Complete convergence and complete moment convergence for arrays of rowwise asymptotically almost negatively associated random variables 黄海午 Filomat 2019 SCI
28 Complete convergence and complete moment convergence theorems for weighted sums of arrays of rowwise extended negatively dependent random variables 黄海午 Bulletin of the Korean Mathematical Society 2019 SCI
29 Approximate controllability of Euler-Bernoulli viscoelastic systems 阳志锋 Electron. J. Differential Equations 2019 SCI
30 Infinitely many solutions for a zero mass Schrodinger-poisson-slater problem with critical growth 杨柳 Journal of Applied Analysis and Computation 2019 SCI
31 Expanded mixed finite element method for second order hyperbolic equations 王克彦 Computers and Mathematics with Applications 2019 SCI
32 Infinitely Many Solutions to a Class of p-Laplace Equations 邓义华 应用数学学报英文版 2019 SCI
33 Necessary and sufficient conditions for the bounds of the commutator of a Little wood-Paley operator with fractional differentiation 吴雄韬等 Analysis and Mathematical Physics 2019 SCI
34 Total energy of radial mappings 陈少林等 Nonlinear Analysis-Theory Methods& Applications 2018 SCI
35 Landau's theorem for solutions of the ∂-equation in dirichlet-type spaces 陈少林等 Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society 2018 SCI
36 Lipschitz continuity of bloch type mappings with respect to bergman metric 陈少林等 Annales Academiæ Scientiarum Fennicæ Mathematica 2018 SCI
37 Radial Length, Radial John Disks and K-quasiconformal Harmonic Mappings 陈少林等 Potential Analysis 2018 SCI
38 Schwarz-Type Lemma, Landau-Type Theorem, and Lipschitz-Type Space of Solutions to Inhomogeneous Biharmonic Equations 陈少林等 The Journal of Geometric Analysis 2018 SCI
39 Uniformly locally univalent harmonic mappings associated with the pre-Schwarzian norm 刘刚等 Indagationes Mathematicae 2018 SCI
40 Prescribed cycles of König’s method for polynomials 刘刚等 Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 2018 SCI
41 On Harmonic ν-Bloch and ν-Bloch-Type Mappings 刘刚等 Results Math 2018 SCI
42 A note on the strong convergence for weighted sums of -mixing random variables 黄海午等 Journal of Mathematical Inequalities 2018 SCI
43 A convergent smoothing algorithm for training max –min fuzzy neural networks 李龙等 Neurocomputing 2017 SCI
44 Multiplicity results for the Kirchhoff type equations with critical growth 杨柳等 Applied Mathematics Letters 2017 SCI
45 On the generalized Zalcman functional in the close-to-convexity family 李浏兰等 Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 2017 SCI
46 John Disks and K-Quasiconformal HarmonicMappings 陈少林等 The Journal of Geometric Analysis 2017 SCI
47 Distortion and Covering Theorems of Pluriharmonic Mappings 陈少林等 Filomat 2017 SCI
48 Complete moment convergence for weighted
sums of extended negatively dependent random variables
易艳春等 Communication in Statistics -Theory and Methods 2017 SCI
49 The strong laws of large numbers for weighted sums of excended negatively dependent random variables 张国辉 Communication in Statistics -Theory and Methods 2017 SCI
50 Multiplicity and concentration of solutions for fractional Schrödinger equation with sublinear perturbation and steep potential well 杨柳等 Computers & Mathematics with Applications 2016 SCI
51 Some strong convergence properties for arrays of rowwise ANA random variables 黄海午等 Journal of Inequalities and Applications 2016 SCI
52 Complete convergence and complete moment convergence for arrays of rowwise ANA random variables 黄海午等 Journal of Inequalities and Applications 2016 SCI
53 Generalized Zalcman conjecture for convex functions of α 李浏兰等 Acta Math. Hungar. 2016 SCI
54 Injectivity of sections of convex harmonic mappings and convolution theorems 李浏兰等 Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal 2016 SCI
55 Linear connectivity,Schwarz-Pick lemma and univalency criteria for planar harmonic mapping 陈少林等 Acta Math. Sin., English Series(数学学报) 2016 SCI
56 Blow-up for the euler-bernoulli viscoelastic equation with a nonlinear source 阳志锋等 Electronic Journal of Differential Equations 2016 SCI
57 On complete moment convergence for weighted sums of AANA random variables 黄海午等 Kybernetika 2016 SCI
58 Oscillation analysis for vector hyperbolic equations based on the effect of impulse and delay 罗李平等 ICPMS2018Journal of Physics 2018 EI/ISTP
59 Oscillation of Even Order Half-linear Neutral Differential Equation with Distributed Deviating Arguments 曾云辉等 Software Engineering and informtion Technology 2016 CPCI/EI
60 与双调和方程相关的连续模和Heinz-Schwarz型不等式 陈少林等 数学学报 2020 CSCD核心库
61 求解可压缩流的二维通量分裂格式 胡立军等 计算力学学报 2020 CSCD核心库
62 基于AUSM分裂的二维通量分裂格式 胡立军等 应用数学和力学 2020 CSCD核心库
63 一种激波稳定的对流-压力通量分裂格式 胡立军等 计算力学学报 2020 CSCD核心库
64 一种改进的Roe格式及其稳定性分析 胡立军等 应用数学和力学 2020 CSCD核心库
65 一类非线性脉冲中立抛物型分布参数系统的振动条件 罗李平等 数学物理学报 2020 CSCD核心库
66 Complete moment convergence for weighted sums of arrays of rowwise asymptotically almost negatively associated random variables 黄海午 数学进展 2019 CSCD核心库
67 脉冲非线性中立抛物型分布参数系统的振动性分析 罗李平 云南大学学报 2019 CSCD核心库
68 一种健壮的TV通量分裂格式 胡立军 计算力学学报 2019 CSCD核心库
69 一种健壮的混合Roe黎曼求解器 胡立军等 计算力学学报 2019 CSCD核心库
70 一种健壮的低耗散通量分裂格式 胡立军 应用数学和力学 2019 CSCD核心库
71 脉冲扰动对非线性时滞双曲型分布参数系统振动的影响 罗李平等 数学物理学报 2018 CSCD核心库
72 混合序列加权和的强极限收敛定理 黄海午等 高校应用数学学报 2018 CSCD核心库
73 线性测度与 K- 拟共形调和映射 陈少林等 中国科学:数学 2017 CSCD核心库
74 调和函数的Lipschitz型空间和Landau-Bloch型空间 陈少林等 数学学报 2017 CSCD核心库
75 阵列的Chung型单对数律 张国辉 等 数学学报 2017 CSCD核心库
76 一类拟线性时滞双曲型分布参数系统的()振动性问题 罗李平等 吉林大学学报 2017 CSCD核心库
77 f-调和函数的Hess矩阵的估计及其在分裂定理中的应用 邓义华 山东大学学报 2017 CSCD核心库
78 具脉冲扰动和时滞效应的拟线性抛物系统的()振动分析 罗李平等 应用数学学报 2016 CSCD核心库
79 三阶非线性中立型微分方程的振动分析 罗李平等 系统科学与数学 2016 CSCD核心库
80 基于脉冲和时滞效应的拟线性双曲系统的()振动性分析 罗李平等 中国海洋大学学报 2016 CSCD核心库
81 一类带阻尼项的拟线性双曲系统的()振动性问题 罗李平等 山东大学学报 2016 CSCD核心库
82 混合随机变量阵列加权和的收敛性质 黄海午等 吉林大学学报 2016 CSCD核心库
83 广义中立型Emden-Fowler方程的振动准则 曾云辉等 数学物理学报 2016 CSCD核心库
84 广义中立型Emden-Fowler 时滞阻尼微分方程的振动性 曾云辉等 浙江大学学报 2016 CSCD核心库
85 Wittmann type strong laws of large numbers for blockwise m-negatively associated random variables 张国辉等 Journal of mathematical Research with Applications 2016 CSCD核心库


联系地址:衡阳师范学院数学与统计学院 电话:0734-8484934 EMAIL: maths@hynu.edu.cn